Extension of time frame for migration regularization by Brazilian Government

The Brazilian Government, vide its Ordinance No. 25/2021-DIREX/PF dated 17 August 2021, has extended till 15 March      2022 the time-frame for registration for obtaining or extending the residence permit and for renewal of temporary visas for foreigners whose migration documents have expired on/or after 16th March 2020.

 The unofficial translation of the Ordinance No. 25/2021-DIREX/PF dated 17 August 2021 by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Federal Police (Executive Board of Migration) is as below:

The Board Director of the Federal Police, in use of his attribution in what is conferred to it under art. 38, incise X, of the Internal Regiment of the Federal Police, approved by the Ordinance nº155, of the 27th of September 2018, His Excellency Minister of State of Justice and Public Security, published at the Section 1 of the Official Daily of the Union  nº 200, of the 17th      of October 2018, and in terms of art. 2º, incise VII, of the Normative Instruction nº 141 – DG/PF, of the 19th of December 2018, considering the subsistence of the scenery that justified the edition of the Ordinance N]21/2021-DIREX/PF and, taking into consideration the estimative of still existing an expressive number of immigrants pending regularisation decides:

Art. 1º Remains extended till 15th of March 2022, the time-frame for the obtaining or registering Residence Permit, and for the registration of temporary visa, for foreigners whose migration documents have expired on/or after 16th of March 2020.

§1º The migrant that regularises himself/herself within the established time-frame will not suffer penalty for the delay of registration or excess of permanence which has happened during this period.

§2º The administrative infractions practised by the contemplated migrants in this article and that have happened in a date before the 16th of March 2020, or diverse of Art. 109, II, III, and IV, of Law Nº13.445, of the 24th of May 2017, do not benefit of the waving of the penalty.

§3º This article is applied to migrants and visitors that have the request of residence authorisation and the necessary documents, however, have not been able to schedule a time due to local restrictions of the units of servicing.

Art 2º The protocols of servicing referring to the migration regularisation and the request of acknowledgement of the condition of refugee, the identification of national migration registry (CRNM), and the provisory documents of the migration national registry (DPRNM) expired from the 16th of March of 2020 are considered extended and valid, and should be accepted for all effects till the 15th of March 2022, including for the purpose of entry, registry, renewal or time-frame exchange.

Art. 3º In the process of migration regularisation, the concerned authority will accept passports, documents of identification and police clearance certificates issued abroad which have expired after the 16th of March 2020, as far as the immigrant has maintained residency in the national territory and try to regularise himself/herself up to the 15th of March 2022.

Those who have travelled abroad and if their period of stay abroad exceeds thirty days this Ordinance will not be applicable to them.

Art. 4º This ordinance will enter into effect on the 15th of September 2021.

(Disclaimer: Above is an unofficial translation into English. The original ordinance in Portuguese can be accessed at https://www.in.gov.br/web/dou/-/portaria-n-25/2021-direx/pf-de-17-de-agosto-de-2021-340771055.)

Embassy of India Brasilia, Brazil