Tourist Visa


Visa Application Form

  • Two recent Passport size photos.

  • Residence proof

  • Copy of Turkish Residence Permit for non-Turkish applicant

  • Original Passport with photocopy.

  • Copy of Hotel booking confirmation.

  • Flight details (to and return).

  • Latest bank account statement or any other proof to satisfy financial soundness of the applicant.

  • Invitation letter-If the applicant will visit an Indian citizen/foreigner residing in India, invitation letter including the name and passport no. of the invitees and duration/purpose of stay; Copy of ID/passport of the inviting person; permanent address and contact no. of the inviting person

  • Mandatory documents for Minors travelling with only one parent- NOC from non-travelling parent; the document showing the parentage of the minor

In addition to above-

  • If the applicant is employed- leave letter form employer on Employer letter Head / Authorized signatory with Employer seal.

  • If the Applicant is self Employed (owns Company)- Leave letter on Company letter Head of his own Company with signature/stamp of authorized signatory,

  • If the applicant is retired- original retirement documents with photocopy.

  • If the applicant is a Student- Letter from the school/university & ID copy

  • If the Applicant is Financially supported- If applicant has not enough funds or bank account, financial support letter from the sponsor notarized. (Not applicable for spouses, parents and children)

  • If Freelancer- Contract documents & leave/cover letter as applicable

Note: There shall be a gap of at least 2 (two) months between two visits to India on a Tourist Visa on re-entry of nationals of Afghanistan, China, Iran, Pakistan, Iraq, Sudan, foreigners of Pakistan origin and Stateless persons 

-&#304;ki g&uuml;ncel pasaport boy foto&#287;raf.<br>

-&#304;kametgah (e-Devlet&rsquo;ten de kabul edilmektedir)<br>

-T&uuml;rkiye vatanda&#351;&#305; olmayan ba&#351;vuru sahipleri i&ccedil;in ikamet tezkeresinin fotokopisi<br>

-Orijinal Pasaport ve fotokopisi.<br>

-Otel rezervasyon onay&#305;<br>

-U&ccedil;u&#351; detaylar&#305; (Gidi&#351; ve D&ouml;n&uuml;&#351;).<br>

-G&uuml;ncel banka hesap ekstresi veya ba&#351;vuru sahibinin mali yeterlili&#287;ini tatmin edecek ba&#351;ka bir kan&#305;t.<br>

-Davet Mektubu - Ba&#351;vuru sahibinin Hindistanda ikamet eden bir Hindistan vatanda&#351;&#305; veya yabanc&#305;y&#305; ziyaret edecek olmas&#305; durumunda davet eden ki&#351;iden al&#305;nmas&#305; gereken, ziyaret edecek ki&#351;inin ismi, pasaport numaras&#305; ve kalma s&uuml;resi/amac&#305;n&#305; i&ccedil;eren davet mektubu. Davet eden ki&#351;inin kimlik/pasaport fotokopisi, daimi adresi ve telefon numaras&#305;.<br>

-Sadece tek ebeveyn ile seyahat eden yeti&#351;kin olmayanlar i&ccedil;in gerekli belgeler- Seyahat etmeyen ebeveynden izin/onay yaz&#305;s&#305; ve &ccedil;ocuk i&ccedil;in N&uuml;fus Kay&#305;t &ouml;rne&#287;i.<br>

Yukar&#305;dakilere ek olarak-<br>

-Ba&#351;vuru sahibi &ccedil;al&#305;&#351;&#305;yor ise, &ccedil;al&#305;&#351;t&#305;&#287;&#305; firmadan antetli ka&#287;&#305;da haz&#305;rlanm&#305;&#351; ka&#351;e ve imzal&#305; izin yaz&#305;s&#305;.<br>

-Ba&#351;vuru sahibi i&#351;veren ise (Firma Sahibi), antetli ka&#287;&#305;da haz&#305;rlanm&#305;&#351; ka&#351;e ve imzal&#305; izin/onay yaz&#305;s&#305; ve firmaya dair ticari kay&#305;t evraklar&#305;.<br>

-Ba&#351;vuru sahibi emekli ise, emekli oldu&#287;unu g&ouml;sterir resmi belge.<br>

-Ba&#351;vuru sahibi &ouml;&#287;renci ise, s&ouml;z konusu e&#287;itim kurumundan &ouml;&#287;renci oldu&#287;unu g&ouml;sterir yaz&#305;, kimlik belgesi fotokopisi.<br>

-Ba&#351;vuru sahibi finansal sponsora sahip ise, Ba&#351;vuru sahibinin yeterli finansal kaynak veya banka hesab&#305; yoksa sponsorun noter tasdikli mali destek mektubu. (E&#351;ler, ebeveynler ve &ccedil;ocuklar i&ccedil;in ge&ccedil;erli de&#287;ildir)<br>

-Ba&#351;vuru sahibi serbest &ccedil;al&#305;san ise (Freelancer), S&ouml;zle&#351;me evraklar&#305; ve izin/niyet mektubu.<br>

Not: Afganistan, &ccedil;in, &#304;ran, Pakistan, Irak, Sudan, Pakistan k&ouml;kenli yabanc&#305;lar&#305;n ve Vatans&#305;z ki&#351;ilerin yeniden giri&#351;iyle ilgili, Turist Vizesi ile Hindistan'a yap&#305;lan iki ziyaret aras&#305;nda en az 2 (iki) ayl&#305;k bir bo&#351;luk olmas&#305; gerekmektedir.<br>

$ 103*

Visa Application without uploaded photograph will be rejected.<br>

Foto&#287;raf y&uuml;klenmemi&#351; vize ba&#351;vurular&#305; kabul edilmeyecektir.<br>

* Visa fee is non-refundable and subject to change without notice.<br>

* Vize &uuml;creti iade edilmez ve haber verilmeksizin de&#287;i&#351;tirilebilir.<br>

* Indian Consulate, Istanbul reserves the right on granting and deciding type/duration of visa irrespective of the fees tendered at the time of making application.<br>

* Indian Consulate, Istanbul, ba&#351;vuru s&#305;ras&#305;nda kayda al&#305;nan &uuml;cretlere bak&#305;lmaks&#305;z&#305;n vize t&uuml;r&uuml;n&uuml; / s&uuml;resini ve vize verme hakk&#305;n&#305; sakl&#305; tutar<br>

* Passport should be valid for a minimum of six months beyond the date of intended departure from India.<br>

* Pasaport, Hindistan'dan planlanan d&ouml;n&uuml;&#351; tarihinden itibaren en az alt&#305; ay s&uuml;reyle ge&ccedil;erli olmal&#305;d&#305;r.<br>

Long duration Visa required minimum three years Passport validity. <br>

Uzun d&ouml;nem vize verilebilmesi i&ccedil;in pasaport ge&ccedil;erlili&#287;i en az 3(&uuml;&ccedil;) y&#305;l olmal&#305;d&#305;r.<br>

Note : Validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue. Each visa application is considered on its merits and the Indian Embassy may ask for additional information at any stage during the processing of the application. Submission of application along with prescribed fee does not guarantee issuance of visa. Non-Residents are not eligible.<br>

Not: Vize i&#351;lendi&#287;i tarihten itibaren ge&ccedil;erlidir. Her vize ba&#351;vurusu, kendi esas&#305;na g&ouml;re de&#287;erlendirilir ve Hindistan B&uuml;y&uuml;kel&ccedil;ili&#287;i, ba&#351;vurunun i&#351;lenmesi s&#305;ras&#305;nda herhangi bir a&#351;amada ek bilgi isteyebilir. Ba&#351;vurunun belirtilen &uuml;cretle birlikte sunulmas&#305; vize verilmesini garanti etmemektedir. T&uuml;rkiye&rsquo;de yerle&#351;ik bulunmayanlar vize i&ccedil;in uygun de&#287;ildir.


Consulate General of IndiaIstanbul, Türkiye