Medical Attendant Visa


Visa Application Form

  • 2 recent Passport size photos.

  • Original Passport.

  • Document establishing relationship with the patient.

  • Copy of Medical credentials (In case medical professionals accompanying the patient).

NoteApplicant will have to register with the concerned FRRO's/FRO within 14 days from the date of arrival in India.

- &#304;ki g&uuml;ncel pasaport boy foto&#287;raf.<br>

- Orijinal Pasaport, Pasaport<br>

Fotokopisi ve Vizenin/Oturum &#304;zninin bulundu&#287;u pasaporttaki ilgili sayfalar&#305;n fotokopisi.<br>

- Hasta ile yak&#305;nl&#305;&#287;&#305; g&ouml;steren belge<br>

- T&#305;bbi kimlik bilgilerinin kopyas&#305; (Hastaya e&#351;lik edenlerin t&#305;p uzman&#305; olmas&#305; halinde ge&ccedil;erlidir).<br>

Not: Ba&#351;vuru sahibi, Hindistan'a var&#305;&#351; tarihinden itibaren 14 g&uuml;n i&ccedil;inde ilgili FRRO / FRO'ya kay&#305;t yapt&#305;rmak zorundad&#305;r.<br>

$ 83* (up to 6 months)

$ 123* (up to 1 year)

$ 83* (6 aya kadar) 

$ 123* (1 y?la kadar)

Visa Application without uploaded photograph will be rejected.<br>

* Visa fee is non-refundable and subject to change without notice.<br>

* Consulate General of India, Istanbul, Turkey reserves the right on granting and deciding type/duration of visa irrespective of the fees tendered at the time of making application.<br>

* Passport should be valid for a minimum of six months beyond the date of intended departure from India. <br>

Note: Validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue. Each visa application is considered on its merits and the Indian Embassy may ask for additional information at any stage during the processing of the application. Submission of application along with prescribed fee does not guarantee issuance of visa. Non-Residents are not eligible.<br>

Visa Application without uploaded photograph will be rejected.<br>

Foto&#287;raf y&uuml;klenmemi&#351; vize ba&#351;vurular&#305; kabul edilmeyecektir.<br>

* Visa fee is non-refundable and subject to change without notice.<br>

* Vize &uuml;creti iade edilmez ve haber verilmeksizin de&#287;i&#351;tirilebilir.<br>

* Consulate General of India, Istanbul, Turkey reserves the right on granting and deciding type/duration of visa irrespective of the fees tendered at the time of making application.<br>

* Consulate General of India, Istanbul, Turkey, ba&#351;vuru s&#305;ras&#305;nda kayda al&#305;nan &uuml;cretlere bak&#305;lmaks&#305;z&#305;n vize t&uuml;r&uuml;n&uuml; / s&uuml;resini ve vize verme hakk&#305;n&#305; sakl&#305; tutar<br>

* Passport should be valid for a minimum of six months beyond the date of intended departure from India.<br>

* Pasaport, Hindistan'dan planlanan d&ouml;n&uuml;&#351; tarihinden itibaren en az alt&#305; ay s&uuml;reyle ge&ccedil;erli olmal&#305;d&#305;r.<br>

Long duration Visa required minimum three years Passport validity.<br>

Uzun d&ouml;nem vize verilebilmesi i&ccedil;in pasaport ge&ccedil;erlili&#287;i en az 3(&uuml;&ccedil;) y&#305;l olmal&#305;d&#305;r.<br>

Note : Validity of the visa is effective from the date of issue. Each visa application is considered on its merits and the Indian Embassy may ask for additional information at any stage during the processing of the application. Submission of application along with prescribed fee does not guarantee issuance of visa. Non-Residents are not eligible.<br>

Not: Vize i&#351;lendi&#287;i tarihten itibaren ge&ccedil;erlidir. Her vize ba&#351;vurusu, kendi esas&#305;na g&ouml;re de&#287;erlendirilir ve Hindistan B&uuml;y&uuml;kel&ccedil;ili&#287;i, ba&#351;vurunun i&#351;lenmesi s&#305;ras&#305;nda herhangi bir a&#351;amada ek bilgi isteyebilir. Ba&#351;vurunun belirtilen &uuml;cretle birlikte sunulmas&#305; vize verilmesini garanti etmemektedir. T&uuml;rkiye&rsquo;de yerle&#351;ik bulunmayanlar uygun de&#287;ildir.


Consulate General of IndiaIstanbul, Türkiye