National Statement by Ambassador Anupam Ray - Annual Meeting of High Contracting Parties to the CCW, Geneva, November 16, 2022

My delegation congratulates you on assuming the Chair of the 2022 Annual Meeting of the High Contracting Parties to the CCW. We assure you of the full support of the Indian delegation.

India firmly believes that this Convention and its Protocols are important instruments that seek to uphold International Humanitarian Law. As party to the CCW and all its five Protocols, India is committed to ensuring the full implementation of our obligations and the humanitarian principles that the protocols embody.

Universalisation of the CCW remains crucial to the success of the Convention and its Annexed Protocols. India supports the Plan of Action on Universalization as well as the Sponsorship Programme.  It has made its financial contributions on time and regularly. We have regularly submittedAnnual Reports on Compliance since 2008.  India supports measures aimed at encouraging submission of compliance reports by all states.

Mr. Chairman,

Indiaremains convinced that the CCW isthe appropriate forum to address the issue of emerging technologies in the area of Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems because of the fine balance the Convention seeks to strike between humanitarian concerns and military necessity. The Convention also provides a dynamic and adaptive platform that can bring together multiple stake-holders. We also believe that addressing this issue within the framework of the CCW strengthens the Convention and enhances its capacity to respond meaningfully to the challenges posed by the application of evolving new technologies to armed conflict in the 21st century.

India, therefore, supports continued discussions on emerging technologies by the Group of Governmental Experts by building on the existing outcomes including the Guiding Principles.

It is our belief that definitionsand common understanding of LAWS are critical to provide a sound basis for collective efforts to consider and develop aspects of a normative and operational framework for regulation of LAWS.

There are a number of good proposals that are currently under discussion. India would not like to prejudge the outcome of the deliberation of the GGE atthis stage. India will actively participate in the deliberations.

Thank You, Mr. Chairman

Permanent Mission of India to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva