India’s Explanation of Vote (Post-Voting): Outer Space Cluster - 78th UNGA First Committee, UNHQ, New York, October 2023

India’s Explanation of Vote (Post-Voting)

Outer Space Cluster

78th UNGA First Committee, UNHQ, New York, October 2023


L.15 Reducing space threats through norms, rules and principles of responsible behaviours

As a major space-faring nation, India has vital developmental and security interests in space. India has opposed the weaponization of outer space. India has been a consistent advocate of preserving the outer space as an ever-expanding frontier for cooperative endeavors.

India supports substantive consideration of the prevention of an arms race in outer space and we remain committed to legally-binding instrument on PAROS which is universally acceptable, verifiable and multilaterally negotiated in the CD.

Subjectivity in the interpretation of space behaviors and perception of threats, how they are understood, and the application of such determinations, has been a matter of concern for us. We also have concerns about the appropriate verification and situational awareness of space behavior using current technology and access to such technology. The means for an unbiased assessment of a space behavior that are accepted and understood by consensus, and that are immune to politicization, are a related matter of concern.

Despite our concerns, we participated constructively in the OEWG on Reducing Space Threats established pursuant to Resolution 76/231. We note that the group was not able to produce an outcome report owing to divergent views.

We were therefore, in line with our position on the previous resolutions on the subject, constrained to abstain on L.15.

L.53: No first placement of weapons in outer space

India has voted in favour of L.53. The resolution states that the legal regime applicable to outer space needs to be consolidated and reinforced. India supports this objective as well as strengthening of the international legal regime to protect and preserve access to space for all and to prevent, without exceptions, the weaponization of outer space.

We support the substantive consideration of PAROS in the CD. We see No First Placement of weapons in outer space as a useful initiative and not a substitute for substantive legal measures to ensure the prevention of an arms race in outer space.

We have voted against PP5 of this resolution due to the inclusion of the phrase “a community of shared future for humankind”. This phrase is part of a political ideology and a resolution of the UNGA is not the appropriate place to reflect ideologies of countries.


L.55: Further practical measures for the prevention of an arms race in outer space

India has traditionally supported the resolution on further practical measures for the prevention of an arms race in outer space. As to PP5, India has cast a negative vote, the reasons for which we have explained in our EoV for L.53 on a similar inclusion.

India continues to support substantive consideration of the prevention of an arms race in outer space and we remain committed to legally binding instrument on PAROS which is universally acceptable, verifiable and multilaterally negotiated in the CD.

Permanent Mission of India to the Conference on Disarmament, Geneva