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Registration form for Indian Nationals

Registration form for Indian Nationals

Indian Nationals - Register with us
The Embassy of India intends to create a data base of Indians working/residing in Turkmenistan to have effective communication with them. Towards this purpose, the Embassy has created a link for registration of Indian nationals. This will also serve a very useful tool during emergency situations to reach out to fellow Indians. All Indian nationals working/residing in Turkmenistan are therefore requested to register themselves by filling up the form provided in this link.
(For Indian Nationals Only)
Date of Birth[MM-DD-YYYY]:
Parent’s Name:
Spouse Name:
*Permanent Address in India:
Mobile No. in India:
Name & Mobile No. of Contact person in India:
E-mail ID:
Passport Details
Passport No:
Date of Issue[MM-DD-YYYY]:
Place of Issue:
Validity of Passport:
*Address in Turkmenistan:
Residance Tel No:
Mobile No:
Employer/Company’s Name:
Business/Office Tel No:
Name & Mobile No. of Contact Person in Turkmen Company :
Date of arrival in Turkmenistan:
Purpose of visit to Turkmenistan:
Scheduled date of departure from Turkmenistan :
Remarks,if any:
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