
Magzter is a digital newspaper/magazine portal providing access to more than 200 Indian Newspapers and 3500 magazines from all over the world.  The access is provided to Officers at H.Q and Missions abroad.

The magzter digital newspaper/magazine portal can be accessed anywhere anytime across the globe through smart devices like mobile phones, tabs,  laptops and PCs. Magzter provides its users the latest issues of newspapers and magazines available with easy access to back issues/archival content. Access is user friendly and is priced low which need no hardware installation.  Magzter  uses its latest mobile app technology with secure access to its database via Cloud. Most of the Indian Newspapers like The Hindu, Hindustan Times, The Indian Express, Business Standard,  Business Line etc. and  Magazines like India Today, Business Today, Forbes India, The Week, Outlook, Caravan, Readers Digest, Bloomberg Business week, Newsweek, National Geographic, Digit etc. are available.

Website :

MEA Library Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India