Recent Addition, July-September 2019

1. Israel's Mediterranean gas: domestic governance, economic impact, and strategic implications / Sujata Ashwarya .- London: Routledge, 2019

Abstract: This book examines the internal and external implications of Israel’s natural gas discoveries in the Eastern Mediterranean. The nation’s changed status from being an importer of coal and oil to that of an exporter of natural gas has consequences not only for the energy sector but also for the fragile geopolitics of the region. The author traces a consummate picture of history, politics, and conflicts that shape the economics of energy in Israel and its future trajectories.

2.  The politics of poverty in contemporary Russia / Ann-Mari Satre .- London: Routledge, 2019

Abstract: This book provides an overview of poverty and well-being in Russia. Increasing poverty rates during the 1990s were followed by greater attention to social policies in the 2000s and increased efforts to engage people in socially oriented NGOs and ‘encourage’ them to contribute to the fulfillment of social aims. What impact did these developments have on the prevalence of poverty in contemporary Russian society? Tracing continuities from the Soviet system alongside recent developments such as the falling price of oil, economic sanctions, and changes in directions of social policy, this book explores the impact of poverty, inequality and social programmes. The author examines the agency of people living in poverty and those engaged in social policy, using official statistics, survey data and interviews from four Russian regions to explain the reasons and consequences of poverty and people’s attempts to get out of it.

3.  The politics of global tax governance / Henning Schmidtke .- London: Routledge, 2019

Abstract: This book offers an integrated theory of the politicization of international institutions and a detailed account of how the institutional design and policy output of tax governance by the EU and OECD have developed over time. Offering the first in-depth empirical analysis to compare politicization across international institutions, it blends institutionalist explanations that focus on the growing authority of international institutions, and sociological and political economy approaches that take into account domestic context. Exploring why and how international institutions have become increasingly contested in the 21st century, this book will be of particular interest to the scholars of the transfer of authority from the nation-state to international institutions, and the societal repercussions and political struggles that connect these processes.

4.  Challenges of governance: an insider's view / B. K Chaturvedi .- Delhi: Rupa, 2019

Abstract: This memoir gives a ringside view of the political situation of the times??”the contentious issues, watershed moments, inside stories??”along with his own experiences and honest Confessions. It analyses the challenges of the decision-making process in a coalition government, the pulls and pressures faced by the Civil Service and how complex issues were finally resolved. Chaturvedi’s close relationship with former prime minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, brings out interesting and new facets of the functioning of the cabinet and the group of ministers ‘super cabinet’. significant events like the 2004 tsunami and the critical role of allies in the Indo-US nuclear deal are perfectly balanced with an in-depth understanding of the manner in which the perception of corruption in the government was fuelled by the CAG report on the 2G spectrum scam.

5. India and the silk road: exploring current opportunities / Edited by Nasir Raza Khan .-

Abstract: India and the Silk Road: Exploring Current Opportunities is based on the historical as well as contemporary relevance of the Silk Road. This volume comprises essays by a number of contributors who have dealt with varied aspects of the reality of this historical road in a new geopolitical context, with the potential of shared prosperity among the states connected with this route. The new Silk Road of the twenty-first century covers almost all modes of communication, infrastructure and transportation, including road network, rail and oil and gas pipelines.

6. 1947 mem Panjab ka batvara: ek trasadi hajar kahaniyam / Ishtiyak Ahmed .- New Delhi: Aakar Books, 2019

7. 50 Mahan swatantrata senani / Risshi Raj .- New Delhi: Gyan Ganga, 2019

Abstract: जिन लोगों ने देश को स्वाधीन कराने का स्वप्न देखा; इसकी कल्पना की और दृढ निश्चय कर अपना सर्वस्व बलिदान कर दिया; उनका पुण्य स्मरण करना हमारा पुनीत कर्तव्य है। उनके बलिदान को आज की युवा पीढ़ी तक पहुँचाना हमारा परम धर्म है। जिस आजादी की हवा में हम साँस ले पा रहे हैं; अपने लिए; अपने घर-परिवार के लिए कुछ कर पा रहे हैं; इसमें कहीं-न-कहीं उन सभी के बलिदान की सुगंध है। इसलिए इन हुतात्माओं को कोटि-कोटि वंदन-अभिनंदन!शहीदों से जुडे़ स्थानों पर जाना; उनको समय-समय पर याद करना व उनको श्रद्धांजलि देना; यह हमारी रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी का हिस्सा होना चाहिए। आनेवाली पीढि़यों को अपने गौरवमयी अतीत व हमारे शूरवीरों के महान् जीवन से परिचय करवाना हम राष्ट्र के लिए अपना सर्वस्व अर्पित करनेवाले हुतात्माओं की एक लंबी शृंखला है। उनमें से 50 अमर सपूतों के प्रेरणाप्रद जीवन से पाठकों को परिचित कराने का यह उपक्रम है; जो निश्चित रूप से हर भारतीय को पढ़ना ही चाहिए।

8. Bharat aur Europeeya sangh: ek antrang drishtikon / Bhaswati Mukherjee .- New Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan, 2019

Abstract: एक प्रचलित मान्यता के मुताबिक भारत-यूरोपीय संघ के संबंध को ब्रिटिश प्रिज्म के जरिए बेहतर ढंग से देखा जा सकता है। यह मान्यता भारत में सिकंदर के आगमन और रोमन साम्राज्य के भारत के साथ व्यापार जैसे ऐतिहासिक प्रमाण को नजरअंदाज करती है। हाल के समय में सांस्कृतिक शख्सियत सत्यजित रे कहीं और के बजाय पेरिस में ज्यादा मशहूर हैं। यूरोपीय संघ के साथ भारत का व्यापार; विशेष रूप से रक्षा संबंधी सामानों के मामले में चैनल के इर्द-गिर्द के देशों में ही नहीं; एक हद तक पूरे महादेश में फैला हुआ है। ब्रेक्सिट अब उस ब्रिटिश प्रिज्म को हटा लेनेवाला है। एक ताजा और कई मायनों में भारत-यूरोपीय संघ का एक नया संबंध उभरकर आने वाला है। भास्वती मुखर्जी की पुस्तक ‘भारत और यूरोपीय संघ : एक अंतरंग दृष्टिकोण’ बहुत ही सामयिक है। यह अतीत की रूपरेखा को पेश करती है; तमाम जटिलताओं के बीच संबंधों की वर्तमान स्थिति की व्याख्या करती है और भविष्यवाणी भी करती है। यह बहुत ही सफल माने जाने वाले पेशेवर द्वारा एक वस्तुपरक आकलन है; जो अतीत के संबंधों की समस्याओं पर नजर डालते हुए भारत-यूरोपीय संघ के अधिक सुदृढ़ भविष्य के मद्देनजर व्यावहारिक कदम भी है।एक बेहतर धाराप्रवाहिका के साथ लिखा गया ‘भारत और यूरोपीय संघ : एक अंतरंग दृष्टिकोण’ के शब्दचित्र आकर्षित करते हैं; जो इसे अनूठा और निश्चित रूप से पढ़े जानेवाला बनाते हैं।

9. Bharat ki rajneeti ka uttarayan / Suryakant Bali .- New Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan, 2019

Abstract: भारत की राजनीति का उत्तरायण’; जैसा कि पुस्तक के शीर्षक से ही स्पष्ट है; एक राजनीतिक पुस्तक है। कोई भी राजनीतिक पुस्तक राजनीतिक घटनाओं पर आधारित हो सकती है अथवा राजनीति से जुड़े व्यक्तित्वों पर आधारित हो सकती है या फिर राजनीतिक विचारधारा से; राजनीतिक विचारों से जुड़ी हो सकती है। यह पुस्तक तीसरे वर्ग में रखी जा सकती है; अर्थात् ‘उत्तरायण’ पुस्तक विचारधारा पर आधारित राजनीतिक पुस्तक है। भारत की विचारधारा से जुड़ी कोई राजनीतिक पुस्तक हो और वह भारत के अध्यात्म; भारत के धर्म और भारत के संप्रदायों से न जुड़ी हो; भारत की अपनी निगम-आगम-कथा परंपराओं से न जुड़ी हो; भारत के अध्यात्म-अद्वैत-भक्ति; अपने इन तीन वैचारिक आंदोलनों से न जुड़ी हो; भारत के तीन विशिष्टतम महर्षियों; जो संयोगवश तीनों ही दलित महर्षि हैं; ऐसे वाल्मीकि; वेदव्यास तथा सूतजी महाराज से न जुड़ी हो; तो फिर वह भारत की विचारधारा पर आधारित पुस्तक कैसे कही जा सकती है?

10.  Chanakya aur jeene ki kala / Bakul Bakshi .- Delhi: Pratibha Pratishthan, 2019

Abstract: चाणक्य की नीतियों में राजनीति; अर्थशास्त्र; धर्म और नैतिक मूल्य सबकुछ समाहित है। वे शासक को सही सलाह देनेवाले सच्चे राष्ट्रभक्त थे; उनके लिए मातृभूमि सर्वोपरि थी। वे कुशल नीतिज्ञ; अर्थशास्त्री; समाजशास्त्री और समर्पित राष्ट्राभिमानी थे उनकी सलाह और कथन सारगर्भित होते थे; जो समाज-कल्याण और राष्ट्रोत्थान का मार्ग प्रशस्त करते हैं। उन्होंने समाज के सभी वर्गों को अपने चिंतन के दायरे में रखा और सबके लिए यथोचित आदर्श आचरण एवं व्यवहार का एक खाका प्रस्तुत किया ।शासक; व्यापारी; कर्मचारी; महिलाएँ; धर्मभिक्षु-सब उनकी दृष्टि में थे।

11.  Gandhi darshan: mera vichar hi mera jeevan hai / Ramavtar Sharma .- New Delhi: Aakar Books, 2019

12. Shakti ki manyata : sanyukt rashtra suraksha parishad / Dilip Sinha .- New Delhi: Prabhat Prakashan, 2019

Abstract:विश्व शांति का अनुरक्षण करने के लिए संयुक्त राष्ट्र का सर्वाधिक शक्तिशाली निकाय ‘सुरक्षा परिषद्’ द्वितीय विश्वयुद्ध के दौरान अपनी स्थापना के काल से कभी बाहर नहीं निकल पाया। इस युद्ध के विजेता अमेरिका; रूस; चीन; ब्रिटेन और फ्रांस ने अपनी स्थायी सदस्यता और वीटो की शक्ति के साथ इस पर नियंत्रण बनाए रखा। उनके पारस्परिक टकरावों ने शीत युद्ध के दौरान परिषद् को निर्बल बना दिया तथा उसके उपरांत उनके सहयोग से विवादास्पद सैन्य काररवाइयों को अंजाम दिया गया। यह पुस्तक अंतरराष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा सहयोग के मूल को तलाशती है तथा अंतरराष्ट्रीय कानून में सुरक्षा परिषद् की शक्तियों की आधारशिला की संवीक्षा करती है। यह स्थायी पाँच देशों द्वारा अपनी वैश्विक प्रधानता को सकारात्मक रूप से सुदृढ़ बनाने और शक्ति के उनके प्रयोग को वैध बनाने के लिए परिषद् का इच्छानुसार प्रयोग करने की समालोचना करती है। इराक; यूगोस्लाविया और लीबिया जैसे देशों में उनके द्वारा लागू सिद्धांतों और काररवाइयों ने एक उत्तरदायी निकाय के रूप में परिषद् के विकास को बाधित किया; जो एक वैश्वीकृत विश्व का भरोसा अर्जित कर सकती थी।

13. 1971 Indo-Pak war: selected stories / Rohit Agarwal .- New Delhi: KW Publishers, 2019

Abstract: The monograph covers the course of the war, strategies formulated by the opposing commanders, blow-by-blow account of major battles and the lessons learned. Prominent instances of outstanding courage by individuals, meriting gallantry awards, have also received due attention. These are stories of the multitude that formed the cutting edge of the victorious army. The commanding officers, company commanders and junior officers, JCOs and soldiers at the frontlines, those who laid minefields, built bridges or flew helicopters. Or those who ensured the frontline troops remained fed, clothed and supplied with ammunition to fight. The purpose of this book is to record for posterity these subaltern accounts of the war that would otherwise fade into oblivion after a generation.

14. Afghanistan: sly peace in a failed state / Musa Khan Jalalzai .- New Delhi: Vij Books India, 2019

Abstract: Afghan civil society is deeply upset with disunity and detachment of Taliban groups - those who are tied to regional states agendas. This detachment has also left negative impacts on their fighting capabilities and public support. Regional states, the United States, NATO, Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan are active stakeholders who want peace on their own terms, while Taliban are not an independent entity to decide the future of Afghanistan, or outline long-term peace proposals. This has created a deep problem in finding a solution to the peace problem in Afghanistan. This book is a collection of various articles written by eminent researchers on the aspects of finding a solution to the peace prospects in troubled Afghanistan."

15.  Balakot air strike: defuses pak nuclear hoax / R.A. Singh .- New Dehli: Raj Publications, 2019

16.  Assessment of Chinese military Modernisation and its implications for India / P K Chakraborty .- New Dehli: Pentagon Press, 2019

Abstract: Ever since its creation, China has been claiming territories of numerous countries. There have been wars and clashes, and the usual tone of policy statements has remained assertive. After annexing Tibet the Communist China has described China as a palm with Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Arunachal and Ladakh as the countrys five fingers. It is pertinent to note that some maps have even shown Assam and the Andaman Islands as a part of China. The standard tactics of gradual cartographic invasion seems to have been extended to new areas - tentatively, casually first and then with increasing emphasis till time comes to usurp the quest. Though Chinese White Papers always project a defensive and peaceful attitude, Beijings intentions appear deceptive.

17. Geopolitics of Himalayan region: cultural, political and strategic dimensions / Edited by Alok Bansal and Aayushi Ketkar .- New Dehli: Pentagon Press, 2019

Abstract: The world's youngest mountain range, the Himalayas, is home to two of the world's oldest civilizations that are contemporary Great Power aspirers - India and China. These two Asian giants are the world's fastest growing economies and hold over one third of global population, giving them the necessary clout to impact global politics. In the last few years, Himalayan Region, which influences and dominates a large part of Eurasian land mass has seen jostling for space between these two emerging powers as well as various extra-regional powers. For India, the Himalayas symbolise physical strength, spiritual elevation, cultural diversity and strategic advantage and forms the basis of India's national consciousness. They act as a natural divide between the Indian subcontinent on the one hand and Central Asia and China on the other.

18. Corridors of engagement / Edited by Swaran Singh .- New Delhi: KW Publishers, 2019

Abstract: Asia has re-emerged as a useful case study for exploring the complex relationship between pursuing economic development through trans-state linkages and promoting political agendas through securitisation. New routes and in the process new partners have been sought for creating opportunities for rethinking traditional ways of conceptualising partnerships. However, logistics is as much about institutional setups and the actual corridors through which it operates as the capacity of movement to create new assemblages of power, create identities but also shape the ‘microgeographies’ of everyday life along these corridors of engagement. Mobilities, flows and spaces therefore become significant in understanding the imperatives within which logistics functions as also the occasional resistance and sensitivities that it encounters. Corridors of Engagement engages with this interface of logistics and mobilities in various Asian spaces to underline the significance of these engagements in a wider global context.

19. India in the united nations generals assembly - 1 / Suranjan Das .- New Delhi: KW Publishers, 2019

Abstract: This is a reference work on India at the UN General Assembly which not only records the Indian Government's concerns on contemporary events, but provides a significant record, with explanatory footnotes, of world history from 1946 to 2018. This excellent collection will be valued by scholars of international relations and India's role as successive administrations finessed their policies to meet the needs of a changing world.

20. India in the united nations generals assembly - 1 / Suranjan Das .- New Delhi: KW Publishers, 2019 (1971-2018)

Abstract: This is a reference work on India at the UN General Assembly which not only records the Indian Government's concerns on contemporary events, but provides a significant record, with explanatory footnotes, of world history from 1946 to 2018. This excellent collection will be valued by scholars of international relations and India's role as successive administrations finessed their policies to meet the needs of a changing world.

21.  Nepal and the great powers / Edited by Pramod Jaiswal .- New Delhi: Synergy Book, 2019

22.  Partition of India: postcolonial legacies / Edited by Amit Ranjan .- London: Routledge, 2019

Abstract: The Partition of British India in 1947 Set in motion events that have had far-reaching consequences in South Asia ??“ Wars, military tensions, secessionist movements and militancy/terrorism. This book looks at key events in 1947 and explores the aftermath of the Partition and its continued impact in the present-day understanding of nationhood and identity. It also examines the diverse and fractured narratives that framed popular memory and understanding of history in the region. The volume includes discussions on the manner in which regions such as the Punjab, Sindh, Kashmir, Bengal, utter Pradesh (Lucknow) and north-east India were influenced. It deals with issues such as communal politics, Class conflict, religion, peasant nationalism, decolonization, migration, displacement, riots, the state of refugees, women and minorities, as well as the political relationship between India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

23. Terrorism and counterterrorism / Edited by Vijay Khare .- New Dehli: Pentagon Press, 2019

Abstract: This book highlights contemporary problem faced by the world - terrorism. Terrorism is a very complex term to be defined because of the lack of clarity in the manifestation of terrorist acts, motives and their objectives. Terrorism is often referred to as an act of violence directed towards civilians and non-combatants in pursuit of political or ideological aim. Today, terrorism has become one of the biggest security challenges to the world community. It can threaten the dignity and security of human beings to a great extent; disturb peaceful existence and create fear in the minds of people and also jeopardize the very fundamental freedom and destabilize governments. Contemporary terrorism is hologrammatic: it thrives on fear emanated through violence and propagated by using communication technology. Contemporary terrorism has shaken the traditional concept of security.

24. Walking with the Bhagat Singh : Soon after independence / Amar Kant Jttu .- Delhi: AAkar books, 2019

Abstract: Written from the perspective of Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh, the roles of the country's three most popular icons, namely, Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru and Bhagat Singh in the freedom struggle, have been rigorously appraised in the book. A few myths relating to them have been demolished. Bhagat Singh was a true Marxist, Has been shown as per the Touchstone given by V.I. Lenin. The book reveals the Congress Party led by Mahatma Gandhi and Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, had not only successfully thwarted Bhagat Singh and his Party's efforts to win India's independence, through the Socialist Revolution, but had shed false tears on the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh, Raj Guru and Sukhdev. The Karachi Congress Revolution, paying tributes to the three martyrs, was called a 'mistake' by Mahatma Gandhi through another Resolution also drafted by Mahatmaji and passed at the Bombay Congress meeting held on August 6, 1931.

25. Afghanistan: a history from 1260 to the present / Jonathan L. Lee .- London: Reaktion Books, 2018

Abstract: Located at the intersection of Asia and the Middle East, Afghanistan has been strategically important for thousands of years. Its ancient routes and strategic position between India, Inner Asia, China, Persia, and beyond has meant the region has been subject to frequent invasions, both peaceful and military. As a result, modern Afghanistan is a culturally and ethnically diverse country, but one divided by conflict, political instability, and by mass displacements of its people. In this magisterial illustrated history, Jonathan L. Lee tells the story of how a small tribal confederacy in a politically and culturally significant but volatile region became a modern nation state.

26. The Anarchy, the east India company, corporate violence, and the pillage of the empire / william dalrymple .- london, 2019

Abstract: The creation of this new government marked the moment that the East India Company ceased to be a conventional company and became something much more unusual: an international corporation transformed into an aggressive colonial power. Over the course of the next 47 years, the company’s reach grew until almost all of India south of Delhi was effectively ruled from a boardroom in the city of London. The Anarchy tells one of history’s most remarkable stories: how the Mughal Empire?which dominated world trade and manufacturing and possessed almost unlimited resources?fell apart and was replaced by a multinational corporation based thousands of miles overseas, and answerable to shareholders, most of whom had never even seen India and no idea about the country whose wealth was providing their dividends. Using previously untapped sources, Dalrymple tells the story of the East India Company as it has never been told before and provides a portrait of the devastating results from the abuse of corporate power.

27. Asian Transformations, An inquiry into the development of nations / Deepak Nayyar .- Oxford University Press, 2019

Abstract: Gunnar Myrdal published his magnum opus, Asian Drama: An Inquiry into the Poverty of Nations, in 1968. He was deeply pessimistic about development prospects in Asia. The fifty years since then have witnessed a remarkable social and economic transformation in Asia - even if it has been uneven across countries and unequal between people - that would have been difficult to imagine, let alone predict at the time. Asian Transformations: An Inquiry into the Development of Nations analyses the fascinating story of economic development in Asia spanning half a century. Asian Transformations sets the stage by discussing the contribution of Gunnar Myrdal to the debate on development then and now and providing a long-term historical perspective on Asia in the world.

28. 'Be Clear, Kashmir will vote for India' / Raghuvendra Tanwar .- New Dehli: Manohar, 2019

29. Bureaucratic Culture in Early Colonial India, District Officials, Armed Forces, / James Lees .- New York: Routledge, 2020

Abstract: This book looks at how the fledgling British East India Company state of the 1760s developed into the mature Anglo-Indian empire of the 19th century. It investigates the bureaucratic culture of early Company administrators, primarily at the district level, and the influence of that culture on the nature and scope of colonial government in India. Drawing on a host of archival material and secondary sources, James Lees details the power relationship between local officials and their superiors at Fort William in Calcutta, and examines the wider implications of that relationship for Indian society.

30. Foreign Policies of the CIS States  A Comprehensive Reference / Denis Degterev Konstantin Kurylev .- London: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2019

Abstract: How do the former Soviet republics that now constitute the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) interact with each other and with other regional and world powers? What are the conceptual foundations, mechanisms, and main directions of each member state's foreign policy? What role do economic and political factors play? Answering these questions and more in this systematic, comprehensive survey, a team of in-country experts sheds important light on the complex regional and international interactions of the CIS states in the twenty-first century. A companion website offers a wealth of translated official documents and further, up-to-date information.

31. Indian ocean: the new frontier / Edited by Kousar J. Azam .- New Delhi: Manohar, 2019

Abstract: The present volume curates papers presented at an international conference organized at OUCIP to engage with the oceanic turn in different fields of knowledge embracing Social Sciences, Humanities and, Physical Sciences to project the Indian Ocean as the new frontier of research across various disciplines. The papers are divided into four sections: The Oceanic Reach has papers reflecting on the received knowledge regarding the historical role and reach of the Indian Ocean and providing new insights in the evolving dynamics of the region. The section on Literature and Culture has essays reflecting the different trajectories within Humanities and Cultural Studies through which Indian Ocean has stimulated the imagination of scholars, intellectuals, diasporic writers, and culture historians.
The section on Roots and Routes includes accounts of the historical, cultural, religious, trade and diasporic linkages across oceanic communities inhabiting the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean.

32. Islands in a Cosmopolitan Sea, A History of the comoros / Iain Walker .- London, 2019

Abstract: Many people today have never heard of the Comoros, but these islands were once part of a prosperous economic system that stretched halfway around the world. A key node in the trading networks of the Indian Ocean, the Comoros thrived by exchanging slaves and commodities with African, Arab and Indian merchants. By the seventeenth century, the archipelago had become an important supply point on the route from Europe to Asia, and developed a special relationship with the English. The twentieth century brought French colonial rule and a plantation economy based on perfumes and spices. In 1975, following decades of neglect, the Comoros declared independence from France, only to be blighted by a series of coups, a radical revolutionary government and a mercenary regime.

33. Rethinking development and politics: essays on India, China and global change / Meghnad Desai .- New Delhi: Speaking Tiger, 2019

Abstract:  This collection of essays has been collated from Professor Lord Meghnad Desai’s published and unpublished papers written between 1994 and 2016.

34. Sikh diaspora in Japan / Masako Azuma .- New Delhi: Manohar Publishers and Distributors, 2019

Abstract: The Sikh community is one of the largest groups of Indians abroad and many studies of these migrants have been conducted. The Sikh temples which are called gurdwaras are seen at all the places where Sikh migrants have settled. As other Indian migrants, Sikhs too have struggled to maintain their social and cultural customs in the societies they have moved to. Inspite of facing difficulties, Sikh migrants have created a synthesis of their own culture with the culture of their place of emigration. This hybridity in migrants’ culture brings us an understanding of the migrants as Diaspora who are in a in-between world among their place of origin and their present residence. This book focuses on the social and cultural practices of Sikh Diaspora in Japan which is not large when compared to other places. The gurdwaras located in different cities like Kobe and Tokyo, are described in this volume as not only religious places but also socializing spaces where the Sikh culture thrives.

35. Spies of no country: secret lives at the birth of israel / Matti Friedman .- New York: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2019

Abstract: In 1948, with Israel’s existence hanging in the balance, these men went undercover in Beirut, where they spent the next two years operating out of a newsstand, collecting intelligence and sending messages back to Israel via a radio whose antenna was disguised as a clothesline. Of the dozen spies in the Arab Section at the war’s outbreak, five were caught and executed. But in the end, the Arab Section would emerge as the nucleus of the Mossad, Israel’s vaunted intelligence agency.
Spies of No Country is about the slippery identities of these young spies, but it’s also about the complicated identity of Israel, a country that presents itself as Western but in fact has more citizens with Middle Eastern roots and traditions, like the spies of this narrative. Meticulously researched and masterfully told, Spies of No Country is an eye-opening look at the paradoxes of the Middle East.

36. The Taliban at war / Antonio Giustozzi .- London, 2019

Abstract: How does the Taliban wage war? How has its war changed over time? Firstly, the movement's extraordinary military operation relies on financial backing. This volume analyses such funding. The Taliban's external sources of support include foreign governments and non-state groups, both of which have affected the Taliban's military campaigns and internal politics. Secondly, this is the first full-length study of the Taliban to acknowledge and discuss in detail the movement's polycentric character. Here not only the Quetta Shura, but also the Haqqani Network and the Taliban's other centers of power, are afforded the attention they deserve. 

37. Tracing Indo-Russian diplomatic History / Mohanty, Arun .- New Dehli: Manohar, 2019

Abstract: The India-Russia relationship has been through a number of phases since its formal establishment in April 1947. Prime Minister Nehru’s strategic vision led him to seek diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union (USSR) even before India attained Independence. The enthusiastic Soviet response launched a relationship which has had some unique features in the past seventy-two years. The detailed history of the India-Russia relationship presented in this volume highlights the continued relevance of many of the factors that led to a close India-Russia bonding, even while identifying the slip roads into which the partnership has occasionally drifted. Politics evolves continuously, but geography remains constant. The India-Russia relationship has a mutually-recognized geopolitical logic. They have common concerns in the shared neighbourhood of West and Central Asia. Like India, Russia has had a complex relationship with China. In the quest for a multi-polar world, in which every pole seeks to protect its core interests and promote its aspirations, Russia and India, as this comprehensive volume notes, will remain staunch partners in the foreseeable future.

38. Turkey, an economic geography / ersoy aksel .- USA, 2020

Abstract: Turkey's economy is a complex mix of modern industry, a traditional agricultural sector, and a rapidly growing private sector. At the same time the country is positioning itself and preparing for entry into the European Union. That Turkey should meet her national economic goals is, therefore, particularly important. A vital factor in achieving these will be the country's regional economies and their associated economic policies. To date, however, many of the policy interventions adopted have been based on models drawn from developed economies and the outcome has raised a number of concerns. Are policy interventions drawn from advanced economies appropriate for transitional economies such as Turkey? Aksel Ersoy's book is the first work to explore the dynamics of local and regional development in Turkey. In addition, he offers a new theoretical framework for understanding the local and regional dynamics of emerging and transitional economies more generally.

39.  Building a Normative order in the south china sea : Evolving disputes, Expanding options / Edited by  Tran Truong Thuy .- USA: Edward Elgar, 2019

Abstract: These chapters explore the latest diplomatic developments through in-depth analyses on issues affecting East Asian security. The book includes a wide range of views on the topic, covering security, legal and environmental problems, while crucially highlighting the complexity of current tensions. It offersa timely and thorough look into the region, offering potential pathways to improve the security in and around this troubled sea. Academics, students and policymakers engaged in issues related to the law and politics of the sea, as well as specialists in Asian studies and international relations more generally, will benefit from the insight into the intricate diplomatic and security environment of the South China Sea.

40. China's New Global Strategy, The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), Volume I / Suisheng Zhao .- London and New York, 2020

Abstract: Rising as a global power and regarding the existing world order unjust and unreasonable enough to meet the interests of both itself and other emerging powers, China has demanded reform to global governance, and taken new initiatives using its new quotient of wealth and influence to draw countries into its orbit. This comprehensive volume focuses on the two most important of these initiatives: the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched in 2013 to strengthen China’s connectivity with a large part of the world through infrastructure and economic development; and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), created in 2015, which represented China’s effort in the reconstruction of the international development rules. This book explores how these two initiatives are central to China’s emerging global strategy.

41. Chinese  Maritime Power in the 21st Century, Strategic planning, Policy and Predictions / Hu, Bo .- London, New York, 2020

Abstract: This book analyses China’s maritime strategy for the 21st century, integrating strategic planning, policy thinking and strategic prediction. This book explains the construction and application of China's military, political, economic and diplomatic means for building maritime power, and predicts the future of China's maritime power by 2049, as well as development trends in global maritime politics. It explores both the strengths and the limitations of President Xi’s ‘Maritime Dream’ and provides a candid assessment of the likely future balance at sea between China and the United States. This volume explains and discusses China’s claims and intentions in the East and South China Seas and makes some recommendations for China's future policy that will lessen the chance of conflict with the United States and its closer neighbors. This book will be of much interest to students of maritime strategy, naval studies, Chinese politics and International Relations in general.

42. Diplomacy, trade and South Korea's rise to international influence / Dennis Patterson and Jangsup Choi .- London: Lexington Books, 2019

Abstract: This volume details how the diplomatic successes of South Korean presidents removed the country from the international isolation it experienced in the aftermath of the Korean War and also provided the necessary international connections for the expansions of international trade it experienced. Patterson and Choi explain how diplomacy then was the primary process that allowed for the successful implementation of South Korea’s export-led economic development strategy which in turn led to the rapid growth that allowed it to eventually the internationally influential actor it is today

43. India in South Asia Challenges and Management / Amit Ranjan .- Singapore:
Abstract: This book discusses the perceptions India has about its South Asian neighbours, and how these neighbours, in turn, perceive India. While analyzing these perceptions, contributors, who are eminent researchers in international relations, have linked the past with present. They have also examined the reasons for positive or negative opinions about the other, and actors involved in constructing such opinions. In 1947, after its independence, India became part of a disturbed South Asia, with countries embroiled in problems like boundary disputes, identity related violence etc. India itself inherited some of those problems, and continues to walk the tight rope managing some of them. Traditionally, seventy years of India’s South Asia policy can roughly be categorized into three overlapping phases. The first one, Nehruvian phase, which viewed the region through a prism of an internationalist; the second one, ‘interventionist’ phase, tried to shape neighbours’ policies to suit India’s interests; and the third,  accommodative phase, when policy makers attempted to accommodate the demands of the neighbours in India’s policy discourses. 

44. The Kurds of northern Syria: governance, diversity and conflicts / Harriet Allsopp and Wladimir van Wilgenburg .- London: I. B. Tauris, 2019

Abstract: Based on unprecedented access to Kurdish-governed areas of Syria, including exclusive interviews with administration officials and civilian surveys, this book sheds light on the socio-political landscape of this minority group and the various political factions vying to speak for them. The first English-language book to capture the momentous transformations that have occurred since 2011, the authors move beyond idealized images of Rojava and the Kurdish PYD (Democratic Union Party) to provide a nuanced assessment of the Kurdish autonomous experience and the prospects for self-rule in Syria. The book draws on unparalleled field research, as well as analysis of the literature on the evolution of Kurdish politics and the Syrian war. You will understand why the PYD-led project in Syria split the Kurdish political movement and how other representative structures amongst Syria's Kurds fared. Emerging clearly are the complex range of views about pre-existing, current and future governance structures.

45. Post Putin: succession, stability, and Russia's future / Herman Pirchner .- London: Rowman & Littlefield, 2019

Abstract: Now in apparent robust health, Russian President Vladimir Putin (age 66) could remain in power for another decade or even longer. But he will not keep power forever. From declining health to forced retirement to assassination, a multitude of factors could force Putin to leave the political scene and bring new leadership to Moscow. If so, who might come to power, and what policy changes can be expected during, and after, what may well be a protracted power struggle? Post Putin is a prescient examination of the variables that could contribute to Putin’s departure from political power, and the competing forces with which any potential successor will need to contend.

46. Savage Ecology: War and geopolitics at the end of the world / Jairus Victor Grove .- London: Duke University Press, 2019

Abstract: Jairus Victor Grove contends that we live in a world made by war. In Savage Ecology he offers an ecological theory of geopolitics that argues that contemporary global crises are better understood when considered within the larger history of international politics. Infusing international relations with the theoretical interventions of fields ranging from new materialism to political theory, Grove shows how political violence is the principal force behind climate change, mass extinction, slavery, genocide, extractive capitalism, and other catastrophes. Grove analyzes a variety of subjects??”from improvised explosive devices and drones to artificial intelligence and brain science??”to outline how geopolitics is the violent pursuit of a way of living that comes at the expense of others. Pointing out that much of the damage being done to the earth and its inhabitants stems from colonialism, Grove suggests that the Anthropocene may be better described by the term Eurocene. The key to changing the planet's trajectory, Grove proposes, begins by acknowledging both the earth-shaping force of geopolitical violence and the demands apocalypses make for fashioning new ways of living.

47. Strategic culture in Russia's neighborhood: change and continuity in an in-between space / Edited by Katalin Miklossy and Hanna Smith .- London: Lexington Books, 2019

Abstract: This book explains the complex relations and entanglements of Russia and its neighboring countries, an area that changed dramatically after the collapse of communism and the end of the Cold War. The chapters discuss how the strategic cultures of different countries display common characteristics rooted in this special geopolitical space that has been subjected to simultaneous changes over a longer time. Shared historical experiences provide a common ground to interpret outside threats. The spatial context is relevant in this volume because the focus is on a geopolitical in-between-ness. The position in between two ideologically, politically or economically divergent entities affects the states’ security considerations, maneuvering space and policy perspectives. By cross-examining competing Russian and Western influences Miklossy and Smith create a persuasive context of regional political choices.

48. Transcontinental silk road strategies: comparing China, Japan and South Korea in Uzbekistan / Timur Dadabaev .- London: Routledge, 2019

Abstract: This book analyzes initiatives and concepts initiated by China, Japan and South Korea (the Republic of Korea) toward Central Asia to ascertain their impact on regionalism and regional cooperation in Central Asia. Using the case study of Uzbekistan, the book focuses on the formation of the discourse of engagement with the region of Central Asia through the notion of the Silk Road narrative. The author puts forward the prospects for engagement and cooperation in the region by analyzing initiatives such as the Eurasian/Silk Road Diplomacy of Japan of 1997, the Shanghai Process by China, the Korean corporate offensive, and other so-called Silk Road initiatives such as One Belt One Road (OBOR) or the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The book argues that material factors and interests of these states are not the only motivations for engagement with Central Asia.

49. How China sees the world: han-centrism and the balance of power in international politics / John M. Friend and Bradley A. Thayer .- USA: University of Nebraska Press, 2018

Abstract: Han-centrism, a virulent form of Chinese nationalism, asserts that the Han Chinese are superior to other peoples and have a legitimate right to advance Chinese interests at the expense of other countries. Han nationalists have called for policies that will allow China to reclaim the prosperity stolen by foreign powers during the “Century of Humiliation.” The growth of Chinese capabilities and Han-centrism suggests that the United States, its allies, and other countries in Asia will face an increasingly assertive China??”one that thinks it possesses a right to dominate international politics.

50. Stateless in the gulf: migration, nationality and society in Kuwait / Claire Beaugrand .- London: I. B. Tauris, 2019

Abstract: The Kuwaiti population includes around 100,000 people ??“ approximately 10 per cent of the Kuwaiti nationals ??“whose legal status is contested. Often considered 'stateless', they have come to be known in Kuwait as biduns, from 'bidun jinsiyya', which means literally 'without nationality' in Arabic. As long-term residents with close geographical ties and intimate cultural links to the emirate, the biduns claim that they are entitled to Kuwaiti nationality because they have no other. But since 1986 the State of Kuwait, has considered them 'illegal residents' on Kuwaiti territory. As a result, the biduns have been denied civil and human rights and treated as undocumented migrants, with no access to employment, health, education or official birth and death certificates. It was only after the first-ever bidun protest in 2011, that the government softened restrictions imposed upon them.

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