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About us


Welcome to the official Website of Embassy of India in Ulaanbaatar.  In this website you will find information on India-Mongolia bilateral relations. We are sure that this website will act as  bridge between public and Embassy of India in Ulaanbaatar
India-Mongolia diplomatic relations:
Diplomatic relations between India and Mongolia were established on 24 December 1955. The Embassy of India was opened in Ulaanbaatar opened on 22 February 1971. The Embassy provides consular, commercial and cultural services.
The consular services consist of issue of passports, visas for tourists, entrepreneurs and students visiting India and also assistance to Indians visiting Mongolia.
The commercial activity seeks to strengthen trade relation between Mongolia and India. Names and addresses of Indian exporters can also be obtained on e-mail.
India and Mongolia have a long history of contacts since the two countries share religious and cultural affinities. Indian cultural and religious influence found its way to Mongolia via Tibet, primarily through the efforts of Buddhist Missionaries. The cultural service envisages promotion of events on Indian culture, supporting professionals who promote and learn Indian music, dance, Hindi Language etc.

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