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Advisory for Indian students studying/intending to study in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Embassy of India


18 January 2024

Advisory for Indian students studying/intending to study
in the Republic of Uzbekistan

In the last few years, there has been a substantial increase in the number of Indian students seeking admission into medical universities in Uzbekistan.   As per the latest estimate, there are more than 6000 Indian students studying in Uzbekistan.  With the growing numbers, the Mission has started to receive a large number of queries from prospective students as well as on issues relating to their general welfare raised by students already admitted in various universities of Uzbekistan. 

2.        The Mission keeps in regular touch with the concerned governmental authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan as well as the Rectors of the universities where Indian students are admitted to address all issues which arise from time to time and which impact the welfare of the Indian students. In Uzbekistan Bachelor in Medicine course is available for graduate students and duration of the course for foreign students is 6 years. The language of education for Indian students in medical universities/institutes is English. The procedure for passing and the duration of the internship is included in the duration of the course. In Uzbekistan, licensing practice for medical workers has not been established.

3.        It is advisable for students seeking admission to medical universities in Uzbekistan to satisfy themselves that the prospective university fulfils all conditions as laid down from time to time by the National Medical Commission of India.  It is also advised that students may directly get into touch with the universities to clarify their queries and upon satisfying themselves choose the institution and seek admission directly with that institution. 

4.        It is a common practice for many foreign universities to appoint educational consultants (EC) to disseminate information abroad about their institutions, courses, fee, etc. and authorize those ECs to act as agents to provide a range of services to their prospective students.  These ECs may provide services such as facilitating the process of admission, transfer of tuition fee, applying for visa for students, purchase of air tickets, etc., provision of boarding and lodging on campus or around the university, obtaining long-term residential permit in the foreign country, etc.  ECs play an important role in acting as comprehensive service providers for both the foreign university and the Indian students and hence, it is important for all the three parties to be clear about the respective rights and obligations of each, expectations of the service provider and the charges to be paid for each service.  It is often observed that when these factors are not made clear from the beginning, they lead to various difficulties during the course of the stay of the student abroad.  

5.  Students should ensure that they fully understand their contract/agreement/admission acceptance letter signed with the university.  The document signed should clearly mention the tuition fee which is required to be paid by the student for the entire duration of the course.   If the same is not part of the acceptance offer, the student should separately enquire and obtain confirmation from the university regarding the quantum of the tuition fee applicable for each year of the study.

6.        The contract/agreement signed between the student and the EC should in a very clear manner mention each of the services provided by the latter and the charges for the same and the payment schedule.  Students must ensure that the full address of the EC/its representative and their government identification numbers issued by the Government of India (e.g.the company registration number, taxation identification number, etc.) so that in the event of any dispute both parties are clearly identified. 

7.        It is advised that the student should directly transfer the tuition fee to the authorized bank account of the university.  Preferably the bank transfer should directly be done from India.  Even if the fee deposit is being done in Uzbekistan, the amount should be transferred through official banking channels and its proper receipt should be duly obtained from the university without delay. In no circumstances, student should resort to paying the tuition fee through any third party or transferring the payment either by banking channels or cash to the ECs.   Here, it may be mentioned that carrying large amount of foreign exchange out of India and bringing the same into Uzbekistan may violate laid down rules and regulations of both countries.   Since tuition fee payment often involves large amounts, it is advisable to use the mechanism of banking channels which are always safe and accountable.

8. As regards payments to the ECs for their various services, these should be made as per the signed contract.  It is advisable that all the possible payments and their rates should clearly be mentioned in the contract signed between the student and the EC so that no arbitrary claims arise during the entire duration of the student’s stay in the foreign country.

9.  Students are strongly advised to ensure that they take the services of only such ECs which are registered in India. Before the signing of the contract with the ECs, the students are advised to ask for the registration certificate/company identification number issued by the relevant governmental authorities in India in respect of the ECs.

10.      Students arriving in Uzbekistan and those who are already studying in Uzbekistan are reminded that they should keep their passports in their personal custody.  Passport of an Indian citizen belongs to the Government of India as clearly printed on the passport and should not be left in custody with any unauthorized person and without a valid reason.  Mission has received complaints from students from time to time when they were unduly pressurized by unscrupulous elements who had kept their passports with the purported aim to extend stay permit.  Students must keep track of the date of their visa expiration and should take steps to get their stay permit extended well within time for which they must approach the local office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.  

11.      As per the information provided by the concerned authorities of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Mission has received the full list of authorized universities/institutions of Uzbekistan which can admit Indian students in medicine.  The Mission has approached all the authorized universities to provide information with regard to the Indian ECs authorized by them to provide services to Indian students.  Mission has also received information with regard to the tuition fee charged in 2023.  It may be noted that complete information with regard to all the universities are yet to be furnished.  Mission is in contact with all the universities so that missing information is obtained in due course.

12.      The chart below tabulates the information with regard to the authorized universities, authorized Indian ECs, bank account details of the universities and the tuition fee.  Blank columns indicate information awaited.


S.No.University/Institute/CollegeTuition Fee (Annual - in year 2023)Approved Indian Student Agency / EC
1Tashkent Medical Academy$3000
  • Axis Institute of International Education
  • Neo Institute of Medical Science & Technology Ltd.
2Bukhara State Medical Institute$4000Neo Institute of Medical Science & Technology Ltd.
3Samarkand State Medical University$3200
  • Axis Institute of International Education
  • MD House
4Fergana Institute of Public Health$3000Druzhba Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
5Urgench Branch of Tashkent Medical College$3000
  • Brilliant Overseas Educator
  • Neo Institute of Medical Science & Technology Ltd.
6Termez Branch of Tashkent Medical College$2800

Details not yet received from concerned authorities.

7Tashkent State Dental Institute$3000
8Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute$3500
9Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Details not yet received from concerned authorities.

10Karakalpakstan Medical institute
11Andijan State Medical Institute

 13.    Students arriving in Uzbekistan/residing in Uzbekistan are advised to bear in mind/take following action:

(i)        All the students must register themselves with the Embassy of India, Tashkent by visiting the link  External website that opens in a new window 

The students getting admission through ECs must mention the name of the Indian EC which is responsible for providing them various services.

(ii)       Students must keep their passports with themselves and ensure that they extend their stay permit in time as required.   If exiting Uzbekistan for a short period, they must ensure that they have valid duration and number of entries left so as to be able to re-enter Uzbekistan.  This also applies if students are visiting home during their vacation for a longer duration.  It is also to be remembered that upon first arrival in Uzbekistan, local registration with the authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is mandatory to be done within a period of three days.

(iii)      All the students are advised to become members of the Whatsapp/Telegram groups of their community of Indian students in their universities.  This facilitates easy and timely communication. 

(iv)      In view of any difficulty faced, the students should contact the Consular Wing of the Embassy at the email:


(Updated as on 02.09.2024)

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